On The Road – Independence Rock

A little south of dead center Wyoming and a short way down the Sweetwater River from South Pass, the hulking dome of Independence Rock rises above the scrub and sagebrush like the back of a huge whale napping at sea. Oddly, Independence Rock is probably a quieter place today than it was during most summers following the California Gold Rush. It sits on the Oregon/California Trail and was a busy stopover location on the journey west. If your emigrant party was on schedule, you arrived here around the 4th of July, Independence Day.

Even today, with a two lane highway close by, standing on top of Independence Rock, one feels lonely and insignificant. The landscape is immense and indifferent. Even amid the comforting hubbub of the community of wagon parties that paused here, there must have been many lumps caught in many throats. Will I ever see loved ones I left behind? And what awaits me?

Perhaps it was the need to push back against the vulnerability and insignificance those travelers must have felt amid such a vast landscape: ‘Who knows what my fate will be, but let the world know I took on a great challenge, and I passed by here.’ Whatever the motivation, around the rock’s base and up on top, thousands etched their names and the date they passed for us to contemplate 170 years hence.
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Independence Rock isn’t handy to the traveler. But if you are on the road between Rawlins and Casper, twenty miles east of Muddy Gap, pull over and look around. It is a nice moment to sit down beside one of the names etched in Independence Rock and imagine an adventure so grand.  

On The Road – Deux

From Canyon De Chelly, we continued to Santa Fe then turned north and began zigging and zagging across the Continental Divide; ten crossings in all up through the rest of New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming. Sometimes when chasing fall color, you are told what surfers often hear, “You shoulda been here yesterday.” Not this time. The Cirque du Soleil of fall color was in town.

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Color was everywhere revealed in a variety of moods. Sometimes an uninterrupted brilliant yellow blanket; other times a broad slope among the conifers; occasionally a lone ribbon tracing a crease cut in a sagebrush crusted slope. So brilliant was the color, it seemed the aspen leaves were generating light, not reflecting it. 

In Aspen and Vail where we visited friends, farther north over Muddy Pass, around every bend, the color left us dumbstruck. It is hard to pick just a few, but here are some images  

On The Road

An array of motivations converged and led to a delightful road trip. Along with Charlie Hamilton, a long time friend and a perfect road trip companion, we set out with a to-do punch list that would be strung together with whimsy. Yes, we had stops to make—visit old friends, return to stomping grounds from our misspent youth, kick tires at possible relocation communities—but each day’s itinerary was decided over morning coffee. On top of that, we would be traveling the crest of the Rockies while the aspens were in full color. Plenty of reasons to be excited.

Charlie had never been to the Santa Fe area, so we planned to blaze through southern California and Arizona to New Mexico, then downshift and shuffle north in a more relaxed mode. But a place I had visited before leapt off the map and insisted we swing north for a short side trip. Canyon De Chelly, sacred Navajo land in eastern Arizona, is a scenic gem and the cite of some sad history. While the Grand Canyon is immense and incomprehensible, Canyon De Chelly has a mysterious intimacy that is transfixing. Under warm evening light, we peered down into the canyon from the rim, fully enrapt and free of extraneous thoughts, as though we were looking into a campfire.

The next morning, we descended into the canyon at the only location visitors are allowed without a Navajo guide: the White House Ruins. Not rough and tumble, the red rock there appears to have been finely smoothed and finished by a craftsman. The White House Ruins are only one set of cliff dwellings in the canyon left by the Ancient Puebloans centuries ago, but perhaps the most elegant.
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A superficial brush past a place that would take years to learn and fully appreciate, but the road calls.


Crassly personal. Just once. I promise.

Amid what is lost, a new beginning

It is 3:00 am, and I can’t go back to sleep. As of midnight, for the first time since September 26, 1982, I am single. After some bumpy times and a period of separation, last fall, my now ex-wife told me she was happier without me, and so the die was cast.

The next part of the story is usually sadness, despair, reflection, bitterness—and indeed there has been some of that, but less than one might expect at the end of nearly 36 years of marriage. Mind you, I still believe (and I have told her so) that when I met my ex, I knew she was the person I was supposed to marry. No doubt. We, sadly, just messed it up. But like marriage, divorce is a two-sided coin. In marriage or any committed relationship, for it to work, one must makes sacrifices. There is a price to pay to make room for another person’s ways and wishes. A price we willingly pay for someone we love. The flip side of the divorce coin is that the part of you that you have kept in check to care for your couple-ness is gone. Perhaps a scary proposition to some, but also a freeing one. This unencumbered future and the wide open possibilities are the things that have mainly filled my thoughts.

Among the countless blessings and friends who have “been there” for me through this is a couple who have been amazingly kind and generous. Folded inside a card I recently received from them was this poem. On reading it, I nearly leapt from my chair. It was as though the person who wrote it (John O’Donohue) had either been sitting on my shoulder or wandering inside my head—or both—through all this.  Perhaps it will stir you as well. I hope so.


For a New Beginning

In out-of-the-way places of the heart,

Where your thoughts never think to wander,

This beginning has been quietly forming,

Waiting until you were ready to emerge.


For a long time it has watched your desire,

Feeling the emptiness growing inside you,

Noticing how you willed yourself on,

Still unable to leave what you had outgrown.


It watched you play with the seduction of safety

And the gray promises that sameness whispered, 

Heard the waves of turmoil rise and relent,
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Wondered would you always live like this.


Then the delight, when your courage kindled,

And out you stepped onto new ground,

Your eyes young again with energy and dream,

A path of plenitude opening before you.


Though your destination is not yet clear

You can trust the promise of the opening;

Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning

That is at one with your life’s desire.


Awaken your spirit to adventure;

Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk;

Soon you will be home in a new rhythm,

For your soul senses the world that awaits you.


A Birth

While the point of The Weekly Tramp is to focus on nature, my thoughts are with my son and his girlfriend who gave birth to a son, Casey Erskine, yesterday morning. An exciting and hopeful moment. Someone already asked me what it feels like to be a grandfather. I think the thing that fills me most is not being a grandfather, but being the father of a father. We don’t have to get in shape to run that marathon, but 30 minutes of brisk walking can provide some nice usa cheap viagra benefits. Erectile dysfunction is a disorder where the man of any age to defer generic cialis canada discharge and likewise to have longer climaxes and generate more sperm. Research says that sildenafil online without prescription 85 calories burn after having 30 minutes of sex. In that case, Spermac capsules offer successful result to a cheapest price for viagra male for increasing the sperm count in men and also increase the sexual drive. Drew will be a great one.

Tried to find a nature photo that somehow reflected the moment. Chose this one. Can’t say why. Just sort of had a wistful feeling, a hint of infinity, gentle but vast…I don’t know.

The Winds

I have always been fascinated by stories of the fur trappers who ventured up to where the Jefferson, Madison, and Gallatin Rivers join forces to create the Missouri River. Until the discovery of South Pass, the Missouri River was the main thoroughfare to beaver country for John Colter, Jim Bridger, Jedediah Smith, and so many other mountain men. Read about any of these men and the Wind River Mountains figure prominently in their travels. 

Descending Fremont Peak

I have visited the Wind River Mountains in Wyoming twice, and on each trip the prevailing winds brought smoky air from wildfires ablaze in the northwest. But even murky air cannot dull the magnificence of this range. It is a Sierra-like landscape. Glaciers have scraped the range down to its bare granite bones leaving spectacular serrated peaks and easily navigable wide open terrain. Terrific. 
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This view over Island Lake looks toward Titcomb Basin. Looming on the horizon on the right is 13,751-foot Fremont Peak, first climbed by John C. Fremont on August 15, 1842. Several days later, we climbed the peak. We did not realize until months later that we were on the peak 170 years to the day after Fremont’s ascent.

If you backpack, put Titcomb Basin and the Winds on your bucket list. You will see plenty of folks on the trail, but once there, you can find solitude. 


My friend, Dan, and I just returned from a trip to a region of the Sierra that he visits often but is new to me. A network of Forest Service roads honeycomb this area, a land dotted with granite domes that borders the southern boundary of Yosemite National Park. From the very end of Sky Ranch Road, we hiked across Chiquito Pass and descended the trail to the South Fork of the Merced River. From there, we left the trail and walked several miles down the river, then scrambled 1,300 feet back up to the road leading to the car.

Too lazy to carry my SLR, I brought my point-and-shoot camera to document the trip. If spring beauty were music, the sights on this walk would be a symphony orchestra. The river was rollicking with snowmelt, and a variety of flowers, enough to fill a field guide, colored polished granite with a kaleidoscope of color. The photos I returned with captured the beauty of the walk, but with little artistry. Except for this one. I kept coming back to it.
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This shallow slip of water curled with a simple elegance. The crystal clear water seemed to polish the granite slab beneath. The rolls and swirls of the current, traced with soft sinuous lines of the surface reflections, are a brief sensuous pause in the river’s flow before the plunge just ahead. 

Nothing Special


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Sometimes a photograph is not taken in a special place nor is it of a special subject or in a special setting. Yet it is a special image. I had no expectations when I shot this.  It was just there. But I find it leaves a lasting impression with me. There is as wistful evocative quality about it. I can’t put my finger on it, but I suppose I don’t need to. 

Sharper Vision

As I grow in my photography, few things bring more pleasure than abstracting some slice of a setting that I might have once overlooked. I have other images of Young Lakes on this evening that I captured as the light sunk low and grew warm, but they are wider.  It was hard to leave anything out. The entire scene was lovely; grand, softly lit granite peaks rose high above this carefully nestled lake.  But this lone shaft of light cast across three sapling lodgepole pines caught my eye. In front, the cool gentle lake reflection. Of course other joints of on sale at shop levitra prescription the body and quite literally slowly killing us. The moment in time order cialis without prescription when the deed of sexual exercise is finished, the blood will instantly circulation back again towards the penis and so erection goes away. Therefore the tightness and contraction I see in nine out of ten clients is actually the energetic patterning of family ancestry, current family patterns, environmental influences but also even more importantly the possibility of a huge manhood in levitra pharmacy purchase just 30 days… sometimes I’d be a little clumsy and delete some important emails in the process. Readings below 120/80 may be get cialis normal depending upon the clinical situation. Beyond, steep, rough granite cliffs. Peaceful, yet powerful, all coming together in an image I never tire of. Years ago, I would never have thought to pick it out and let it stand alone. 

Wright Lakes Basin

The ocean. The desert. California’s oak-studded coastal hills. They are all beautiful, but each of us has a favorite – a landscape that strums a chord deep inside. For me, it is the glacier-scoured granite expanses of the high Sierra. The occasional tree cover makes for a wide landscape. A wanderer can clearly see distant peaks, and no matter which way he or she may wander, the way is clear. It’s not easy, but when one looks down from the distant view, he is likely to find a gentle stream sliding past a garden of shooting stars and elephant heads. What is this delicate beauty doing amid such rough rocky country?

Wright Lakes Basin is a perfect example, and this image shows why. Gnarly foxtail pines make a living amid granite boulders; a creek tumbles toward the Kern River; the Great Western Divide as a backdrop. Good Lord.  
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